Everyday (Spa) Comfort

ob note
An #operationbeautiful note I posted last year. February 6, 2015.

In a previous post, I talked about self-care and how it has benefited me since I recently made a point of carving out time for myself on a regular basis.

This time around, I want to go more in depth about one of the ways I go about caring for myself: at-home-spa days.

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New Year, New Magic and Not-So-New Music


A mural inside Hendershot’s Coffee in Athens, Ga.

I’m not a musician. I might be more than a little tone-deaf. And a consistent sense of rhythm is something that escapes me on a daily basis.

My taste in music is best described as an eclectic mix, often featuring dad-joke-levels of corniness and sugary pop. It’s very Billboard, but there are some random tracks here and there to keep things interesting.

That said, despite all of the above, there is one musical superpower I have. You ready?

Continue reading “New Year, New Magic and Not-So-New Music”

Self-Care Sunday: What’s Worked For Me

One of my #operationbeautiful notes from last year. The quote is a  version of a mantra often recited during Loving-Kindness meditation.

Photo Credit: Anita George 

It’s a new year, but that’s not the only reason I’m writing about self-care.

It’d be all too easy to just say that remembering to take care of myself (especially spiritually/emotionally) was just another one of my new year’s resolutions. But that’s only half-true.

Continue reading “Self-Care Sunday: What’s Worked For Me”