What’s on Your Bucket List?

So if you’ve been reading my blog posts (or even just my About page) you know that I’ve recently created a bucket list of hobbies and activities that I want to try/accomplish.

And so I thought it’d be useful to all of my readers out there  to post my list for everyone to see. That way, if you need ideas for your own hobby bucket list you can just peruse mine to help you brainstorm. Also, my list isn’t set in stone. I’m constantly updating it, adding new activities.

Which is honestly how I think life should be. You should always be learning new things and actively adding new experiences.

So please feel free to comment on this post with new suggestions on stuff to do and/or how to do them better.

And now…[insert annoying, but suspenseful commercial break, American Idol-style here]  *drum roll*

The List (In no particular order…)

  1. Going to cultural events
  2. Volunteering with Asha for Education
  3. Running a marathon
  4. Taking an intro scuba lesson
  5. Waterfall hunting
  6. Programming
  7. Paintball
  8. Learn how to work on cars
  9. River tubing
  10. Camping
  11. Skydiving
  12. Hiking
  13. Hot-air ballooning
  14. White-water rafting
  15. Ziplining
  16. Snorkeling
  17. Parasailing
  18. Kayaking
  19. Gun-range shooting
  20. Berry picking
  21. Go to the Pumpkin Festival in Stone Mountain, Ga. in October
  22. Take a cooking class
  23. Take a drawing and painting class
  24. Take a voice lesson
  25. Take a dance class (like ballroom or something)
  26. Take a martial arts class
  27. Fly in a small plane/take a flying class
  28. Feng Shui
  29. Yoga
  30. Fashion designing/styling (I definitely want to learn how to make clothes, especially sundresses and formal wear.)
  31. Gardening
  32. Mountain climbing
  33. Pick a cookbook and cook my way through it.
  34. Indoor rock climbing
  35. Skiing
  36. Snowboarding
  37. Join a book club
  38. The Life Seduction Challenge
***I’d like to thank my Facebook friends for their help in compiling this list. You guys are awesome!
And I’ve got a question for my readers: What’s on your bucket list? Comment on this post and let me know!

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